On 31 January this year the Management Board of CARGOTOR sp. Z o.o .: President of the Management Board – Andrzej Sokolewicz and Member of the Management Board – Piotr Wojcieszek together with the head of the Piszczac Commune – Kamil Kożuchowski signed the first of a series of cooperation agreements in the modernization and reconstruction of intersections and railway and road infrastructure. They will be concluded with local governments in the areas where the location of the Małaszewicze Logistics Park is planned.
The signed agreement defines the principles of cooperation in the reconstruction of four rail-road crossings located in the Piszczac Commune. This is another operation bringing the implementation of construction works one step closer. The works are a result of the CEF project no. 2015-PL-TM-0037-S “Modernization of railway infrastructure in the Małaszewicze Reloading Region, corridor no. 8 of freight lines on EU border with Belarus – study works. ” co-financed by an instrument of the European Union “The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) “